Looking for the BEST Mobile Vascular Access & Team Support in Michigan? Call Now 810-202-1004
General Information:
Epicc Vascular Michigan is a mobile vascular access company that provides best Vascular Access Services to Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Home Health Agencies, Infusion Clinics, Infectious Disease Offices, Cancer Centers, Infusion Pharmacies, and more; along with providing hands-on education for nurses in IV Therapy and PICC/midline care and maintenance. By staying abreast of latest evidence-based practices in vascular access, we ensure to positively impact our clients and enhance the care of the patients.
At Epicc Vascular Michigan, our professional nurse educator, Tonya Suckley, RN, VA-BC has over 20 years of variety of nursing experience, with a deep-rooted expertise in facilitating nursing quality care, best practices, quality assurance, extensive executive clinical management, and professionally credentialed in vascular access procedures, care and Maintenance. Tonya will be designing the courses with the help of a trained professional vocational educator. The creation of the curriculum for the courses, the team will follow Infusion Nurses Society (INS) protocols and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. In tandem they will provide ongoing evaluation of all courses.
As a for profit business, Epicc Vascular Michigan will charge the facility that the education services are performed at based on a per nurse cost.
Operational Policies and Procedures
Epicc Vascular Michigan will require facilities to provide a space conducive for the courses. This will include seating for each registered student with tables, large table for demonstrations, area or technology to project presentation slides, and rest rooms readily available.
Students must complete the entire course as well as pass the assessments to receive credit for the course. Epicc Vascular Michigan will utilize sign in/out sheets to keep attendance, the educator will sign the certificates upon completion of the course, check the corresponding section of the sign in/out sheet, and update the student data base. When the educator returns to the Epicc Vascular Michigan offices, all the paperwork will be filed appropriately.
Ongoing Evaluation
As an active member in Infusion Nurses Society (INS), Association for Vascular Access (AVA) and Michigan Vascular Access Network (MiVAN) our educator attends conferences to insure the courses stay current with new evidence-based practices in vascular access. The education team plans to meet quarterly to evaluate the curriculum and pedagogy. The process will include literature review on INS standards, course evaluation returned from past students, and the evaluations of the instructor all with the goal of continues improvement.
Long Range Plan
At Epicc Vascular Michigan’s heart is for the patient. With that in mind, our goal is to help each patient with a vascular access device by training nurses in the correct care and maintenance of the devices. With this proper training we can help our partner facilities decrease their CLABSI and other infections due to poor care and maintenance of their patient’s lines.
Benefits of Using Epicc Michigan
- Improve Patient Safety and Patient Outcomes
- Increase vascular access device placement success rate of greater than 98% compared with staff nurses who only occasionally insert a PICC line 50-70% (Java 2004)
- Using highly specialized and trained nurses who work in the vascular access field everyday
- Increase patient satisfaction
- Eliminate the responsibility of staffing, providing benefits, sick calls, and maternity leaves
- Improve data collection on catheters to enhance staff education and awareness
- Provide patients with teaching/discharge instruction
- Supply materials (i.e. ultrasound, custom PICC tray, tip location system, & tip confirmation system) at a flat rate
- Free up Interventional Radiology (IR) suite for higher reimbursement cases
- Increase profits for radiologist and facility/cost-effective compared to in-house radiologist placed line
- Provide flexibility to the healthcare facility via tailor-made contracts
- Increase productivity and time management for your staff
“Real World” Nurse Education
At Epicc Vascular Michigan, our heart is for the patient. We provide hands-on education for nurses in IV Therapy and Vascular Access Device (VAD) care and maintenance. With that in mind, our goal is to help each patient with a vascular access device by training nurses in the correct care and maintenance of these devices. With this proper training, we can help our partner facilities decrease their Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) and other infections, due to poor care and maintenance of their patient’s lines.